5 min

3 Tips for better sleep

Sleep is a very important part of our lives and it's often underestimated.

Your daily productivity and thus your achievements are merely depending on the quality of your sleep. Good sleep will help your brain rest and let your body recover from the previous day. There is a lot to talk about about sleep and its importance.

I encourage you to take your sleep habits seriously and take action to improve them. There's a great book about sleep called "Why We Sleep". I recommend you to read it.

This article will cover 3 tips you can implement into your life to increase the quality of your sleep. With quality I mean you'll sleep the same amount of time or less and wake up rest and more fresh. Take action and you will have a night of better sleep, ready to climb your day in the morning

Following the mentioned tips, your quality of sleep will increase by at least 30% on average! It will help you be more productive at work and in business.

So, let's begin with 3 tips for improving the quality of your sleep.

And remember: you need to sleep better rather than more hours. Following those tips, you can decrease the quantity and increase the quality of your sleep.

1. Sleep and wake up at the same time every day

We are an indivisible part of mother nature and have to be in pace with it. Most creatures sleep at night and wake up when the sun is about to rise. So you should.

Make it your habit to go to bed before 10 PM and wake up at 5 - 6 in the morning. The first hours of sleep are very important, especially before midnight. Get into the habit to go to sleep early and wake up early. Join the 5 AM club and you'll be ahead of others when they just wake up.

Great if you prepare for sleep first. Eat your dinner at least 3 hours before go to sleep. Also is highly recommended not to use any gadgets 30 minutes before sleep as they emanate blue light which makes your brain more active.

You may say that you are an "owl" and have different hours and habits. But here we are talking about productivity and quality of your time. If you want to be more productive you must change.

2. Play relaxing music during the night

Relaxing, deep sleep music will benefit your brain a lot. This is a proven technique and there are plenty of studios and professionals that make music for that purpose alone.

You can use your mobile and a Bluetooth speaker to set your relaxing background music to play during the night. Headphones are not recommended for many reasons including damaging your ears.

I'm going to recommend here a good mobile app (freemium) that I'm using for deep sleep music (and not only for sleep but focus also) which you may embrace.

The app is called Endel, and it's available for iOS, Android, Mac OS, and even music platforms like Spotify and Apple music.

The Endel app does not require any complicated configuration so you can just install it on your phone and start using it instantly free or you may choose a premium version for more sounds. It has cool functionality to wake you up in the morning gently so great to use it as an alarm clock. Try it and let me know what you think of it in the comments.

If you don't want to use an app, just explore Yellow Brick Cinema channel on YouTube where you can find a lot of relaxing deep sleep music.

Note: YouTube app requires your mobile screen to be on while playing so you may try YouTube Music apps for iOS and Android to get playing your music in the background.

3. Use essential oils and aromatherapy for sleep

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic benefit.

This practice will help you for deep sleep. When inhaled, the molecules in essential oils travel directly to the brain in its emotional center. This process relaxes our brain and we can have a long deep sleep rather than a sleep full of dreams which may exhaust us.

Deep sleep is the most important stage of our sleep. The deeper we sleep, the fresher we wake up in the morning. And aroma oils are a great stimulus for deep sleep.

There are many kinds of aroma oils for sleep but I do recommend to you what I have tried myself. The Lavender and Chamomile oils are the best in my opinion and work perfectly.

You just need a few drops every night and it will do the job. You can drop the oil on your skin near the neck but sometimes the oil can have additional chemicals so it is not recommended, at least make sure you are using pure oil. The best way to use aroma oils is to put a few drops on your pillow or use an aroma diffuser.

Bonus tip: Drink a small cup of Chamomile or Lavender tea 30 minutes before sleep.

Consult with your physician before using any aroma oils and make sure you are not allergy sensible to any of them.

Those are 3 tips I practice myself and wanted to share with you.

Let's summarize all the above said:

  • To improve your sleep you have to go asleep and wake up every day at the same time
  • Try to improve quality, not quantity so you can wake up as early as possible and be always ahead
  • Play relaxing music during the night, and for that purpose, you have the Endel app (or similar) and YouTube
  • Use Lavender and Chamomile essential oils as aromatherapy for your deep sleep

These practices will help you guaranteed, but maybe not on the first day. Practice it for a while and you will see great results. The better you sleep, the better you feel during the day.

What is your advice about sleep improvement?

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Posted on: , by Ethan Reynolds


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